Subject: |
Additional School Condition Allocation 2020/2021 |
Date of Meeting: |
3 December 2020 9 November 2020 – Children, Young People & Skills Committee |
Report of: |
Executive Director of Children’s Services |
Contact Officer: |
Name: |
Richard Barker |
Tel: |
290732 |
Email: | |
Ward(s) affected: |
All |
The special circumstances for non-compliance with Council Procedure Rule 3, Access to Information Procedure Rule 5 and Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended), (items not considered unless the agenda is open to inspection at least five days in advance of the meeting) were that this report required additional clarification of its requirement to also proceed through the Policy & Resources Committee beyond the deadline of the report. Coupled with the need to ensure the granting of delegated powers should an urgent need develop before the next cycle of committee meetings.
1.1 The purpose of the report is to inform the Committee of an additional allocation of School Condition Allocation funding that has been made by the Department for Education.
2.1 That the level of additional School Condition Allocation funding totalling £2.262 million for investment in improving the condition of school buildings be noted.
2.2 That Committee recommend that this allocation be added to the council Capital Investment Programme for expenditure in 2021/22.
2.3 That Committee agree to recommend to Policy & Resources Committee that they grant delegated authority to the Assistant Director of Property & Design to procure the capital maintenance and basic need works and enter into contracts within these budgets, as required, in accordance with Contract Standing Orders in respect of the entire Education Capital Programme. With a focus upon the additional funding securing works which are, wherever possible, sustainable in their use of materials and method of delivery.
3.1 The Education Capital Programme forms part of the Council’s full Capital Investment Programme which was presented to Budget Policy & Resources Committee on 13 February 2020 and Budget Council on 27 February 2020.
3.2 The capital finance settlement from central government in respect of schools and other educational establishments includes Basic Need, Capital Maintenance and Devolved Formula Capital for community schools. The allocations and proposed use of these were reported to the Children, Young People and Skills Committee meeting on 9 March 2020 and agreed by Policy and Resources Committee on 19 March 2020.
3.3 On 29 June 2020, the Prime Minister announced an additional £560m for repairs and upgrades to school buildings, on top of funding already allocated this year. This has been allocated partly through school condition allocations.
3.4 The additional amount has been calculated as a proportion of the whole in the same way as the original allocation (i.e. we have received the same proportion of the additional funding as we did the original amount of funding).
3.5 The payments have been made as 2 equal instalments in August and September 2020.
3.6 The amount received by Brighton & Hove is £2.262million.
3.7 Capital finance for academies and free schools does not form part of the funding allocated to Local Authorities as they have access to the separate Condition Improvement Fund administered by the DfE.
3.8 The Dioceses of Arundel and Brighton, The Diocese of Chichester, Aldridge Education and The Russell Education Trust have also received additional allocations on the same basis.
3.9 At the present time it has not been decided how to allocate this additional funding. The simplest course of action would be to use this additional funding to address the next most urgent and important items highlighted by the condition surveys of school buildings to further reduce the condition backlog of £29.5million.
3.10 The backlog maintenance figure of £29.5 million covers all known maintenance required to bring the estate to an acceptable standard. The reason that we have this level of backlog maintenance is that we have a large estate ranging in age from new to over 100 years old. We have detailed condition surveys of each property undertaken every 5 years which allows us to pick up those items that have been addressed and any new items that have arisen. The School Condition Allocation allows us to address the most urgent priorities each year which over time will allow us to reduce this backlog maintenance.
3.11 This additional allocation of £2.262million is a significant increase in the funding available to improve the condition of the school estate and consideration should be given to spending it in accordance with the priorities in the Asset Management Plan for schools.
3.12 It is therefore proposed that the allocation of this funding is delayed until the yearly round of discussions with schools to determine the priorities for the next financial year is concluded. These discussions will be undertaken between October and December 2020.
3.13 We will then be able to propose a comprehensive capital investment programme for schools for the 2021/22 financial year that includes this additional funding together with the allocation for 2021/22 in March 2021.
4.1 We could look to spend this additional allocation in the current financial year. This is not recommended as we would be undertaking a significant amount of work during term time which can difficult for schools to manage logistically in normal circumstances. In the current situation of schools having to operate with discreet bubbles trying to undertake repair and maintenance works in a working school environment would add unnecessary risk and pressure to pupils, staff and visitors alike.
5.1 There has been no specific consultation regarding the content of this report. When an individual project is developed the necessary consultation is undertaken and reported to the relevant committee.
6.1 The proposed Capital Programme will enable us to continue to ensure that we secure school places in areas of the City where they are required and to improve the condition of our education property portfolio.
Financial Implications:
7.1 The report sets out the allocation of additional School Condition Allocation funding. These additional capital resources will meet ongoing capital maintenance requirements.
7.2 This funding is non ring-fenced capital grant and can be re-profiled for expenditure in the 2021/22 financial year. This funding will be incorporated into the Education Capital Investment Programme for 2021/22 and will be reported back to this committee in detail as part of the Education Capital Report in March 2021. In the event that funding is required in this financial year this can form part of budget variations within the TBM Reports back to this committee.
Finance Officer Consulted: Date: 19 October 2020
Legal Implications:
7.3 There are no direct legal implications arising from this report. Particular projects
may give rise to specific issues which will be covered by individual reports at future meetings.
Lawyer Consulted: Serena Kynaston Date: 27 Oct 2020
Equalities Implications:
7.4 There are no equalities implications arising from this programme which would impact disproportionately on any defined groups. New and refurbished buildings will conform with all relevant regulations and be fully accessible.
Sustainability Implications:
7.5 There are no direct environmental implications arising from this report. The environmental impacts of individual schemes are reported to Members when the detailed report is submitted to Policy and Resources Committee for final approval. The detailed planning of projects at educational establishments will take account of the implications of Brighton & Hove’s policies in relation to sustainability issues generally.
Crime & Disorder Implications
7.6 The detailed planning of projects will take account of security issues.
Risk & Opportunity Management Implications
7.7 There are no risk issues in terms of resources or risks to children as a result of this proposal.
Corporate / Citywide Implications
7.8 The Capital Maintenance Grant identified in this report is evidence of the
government’s continuing support for the Council’s work as a Local Education
Authority. The Basic Need Funding is indicative that the DfE understands the
issues of primary and secondary places we face in the city.
Documents in Members’ Rooms
Background Documents